Monthly Archives: September 2012

Experiences of poverty and educational disadvantage

NOTES ON THE JOURNAL: Low income is a significant factor in low attainment; 14%  of variation based on school impact; experiences out of school are vital; less advantaged children feel a lack of control over their own education; out of school can help build self confidence; there’s a development of resentment from those who feel a lack of control; lack of feeling in control about their own future; being negative and having low aspirations brings back that control; uk has steepest socio economic ‘gradients’ in education among similar countries; children are highly aware of their socio economic status; ethnicity has a significant impact; disenchantment and disengagement can happen as early as KS2; students perception of teacher behaviour varied by background; development of confidence being built outside of school pivotal; key to build relationships with the family as well as the student; contrasting experiences in education and associated emotions; activities outside of school allow for new learning relationships.

01/09/2007, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Hirsh, Donald

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Attitudes and Expectations: do attitudes towards education mediate the relationships between social networks and parental expectations?

NOTES ON THE JOURNAL: Educational goals are fundamental to attainment; social network has a key role in the formation of parental aspirations; attitudes toward education and embedded resources mediate the effect of social ties on educational expectations; social networks include significant others & schools that can provide missing resources such as IAG; academic ability & significant others play an outstanding role in the development of aspirations; little is known about the parental academic expectations; social network members can influence finances and attitudes; SHOULD ASPIRATIONS PROGRAMMES BE AIMED AT PARENTS AS MUCH AS CHILDREN?; mothers’ social network greatly impacts upon their attitude to education; the higher number of prestiguous occupations in ones social network the higher the expectations; the mothers’ that see education as a ‘resource for  self development’ have higher expectations and so invest more into their child’s education; social environments are pivotal for any programme intervention programme.

25/04/2012, British Journal of Sociology of Education, Roth, T & Salikutluk, Z

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Determinants of Aspirations

Aspirations link to parental influence; Girls & young people from ethnic minority groups have higher expectations; high income families have higher expectations than teengage mothers and low income families; aspirations are formed in early life but are modified by experience and environment; aspirations tend to decline as constraints and previous achievements channel ideas; barriers include finance, achievement and attitude; belief in aspirations is important; higher aspirations often lead to higher achievement; low socio economic groups can not see this in academia; females can see a gap between occupational aspirations and their realisation; facilitation of achievement can be achieved through early life support; schools can offer easy advice, opportunities and involvement of professionals & volunteers.

01/06/2008, Institute of Education, Uni of London, Morrison Gutman, L & Akerman, R

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Attitudes and Expectations: do attitudes towards education mediate the relationships between social networks and parental expectations?

NOTES ON THE JOURNAL: Education is valued by lower income families and students however knowledge and belief in career paths is an issue; schools should engage with parents more often; more academic mentoring would offer considerable support; help with parents about how they can offer home help; need for further research into the impact of aspirations programmes specifically looking at the change in attitudes and the ability of students/parents to articulate their effectiveness.

01/10/2012, Joseph Roundtree Foundation, Kintrea, K, St Clair, R & Houston, M

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Teachers and students’ divergent perceptions of student engagement: recognition of school or workplace goals

NOTES ON THE JOURNAL: Engagement = Attainment; Students engagements is a psychological process of attention,  interest, investment and effort in learning, 3 types of engagment (1.   Behavioural, 2. Emotional, 3. Cognitive), Debate on the definition of   engagement and it’s accuracy, student engagement could be related to   absenteesim and retention, teachers see a lack of goals and clear ideals as a reasons for poor engagement, students feel their engagment is misunderstood as it’s not directed in the area wanted by teachers which in turn sees a negative effect on retention, student satisfaction and performance. NEED FOR MORE RESEARCH INTO THE PERCEPTIONS OF STUDENT ENGAGEMENT. The recognition and combining of school ideas/goals with that of work and the student can   increase retention and academic completion.

22/05/2012, British Journal of Sociology of Education; Jonasson, Charlotte

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Starting my EdD with Manchester University

My blog will hopefully reflect my research of our understanding and cultivation of aspirations in schools. Initally I will be reviewing literature pertaining to the impact of aspirations in schools. Specifically I will look for research will analyses the effectiveness of interventions which seek to develop aspirations

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